Craig Police Report Week of April 3, 2016 - P.O.W. Report

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Craig Police Report Week of April 3, 2016

The following incidents were reported to and/or investigated by the
Craig Police Department:

10:51 a.m. Responded to an animal complaint from a residence on 4th St
11:17 a.m. Conducted a traffic stop at 1 mile Port Saint Nicholas Rd.; verbal warning given for no brake light
8:29 p.m. Conducted a welfare check at a residence on the 400 block of Shaan Seet; individual is okay

6:46 p.m. Medics were paged out to a residence on the 500 block of Beach Rd.

11:53 a.m. Responded to the Web Loft for a report of graffiti
4:54 p.m. A subpoena was served for an upcoming court case
6:55 p.m. A summons was served for an upcoming court case
8:21 p.m. Conducted a traffic stop on Hamilton Dr. at Shelter Cove; verbal warning given for no taillights
9:19 p.m. Responded to a request for a citizen assist on Hamilton Dr. by Shelter Cove; courtesy transport provided
9:51 p.m. Removed a deceased deer from Craig Klawock HWY by Tanner Crab

10:06 a.m. A Domestic Violence Protective Order was served
1:55 p.m. Contacted a vehicle at 4 mile Craig Klawock HWY; the driver was not the individual they were looking for 3:32 p.m. Conducted a probation check-in at a residence on the 300 block of Shaan Seet
7:44 p.m. A summons was served for an upcoming court case
11:08 p.m. Investigated a suspicious vehicle parked on East Hamilton Dr.; vehicle was unoccupied
11:46 p.m. Conducted a traffic stop on Craig Klawock HWY by the CTA building; verbal warning for expired registration

6:54 p.m. Conducted a probation check-in at a residence on the 400 block of Shaan Seet
7:34 p.m. Conducted a traffic stop at 1 mile Port Saint Nicholas Rd.; citation issued for out of state plates
8:35 p.m. Attempted to conduct a probation check-in at a residence on the 200 block of Shaan Seet; individual was not

6:18 p.m. Responded to an animal complaint at a residence in upper Harborview; the dog was returned to its owner
6:38 p.m. Responded to a request for a welfare check at a residence on the 100 block of Tanner Crab Ct.; the
individual was okay
7:32 p.m. Completed a vehicle inspection for a cab company at the Craig Police Department
7:54 p.m. Provided a citizen assist at a residence on the 800 block of Main St.
8:02 p.m. A summons was served for an upcoming court case
8:35 p.m. Responded to a report of a found bicycle at AC Thompson House; bicycle was secured at the Craig Police

2:48 a.m. Provided courtesy transport to an individual from downtown to Cold Storage Rd.
4:31 a.m. Conducted a traffic stop at 5 mile CKHWY; verbal warning given for speed
4:59 a.m. Responded to a local business for a report of a burglary alarm
7:16 a.m. Received a report of a lost animal; the dog was later located by the owner
10:06 p.m. Responded to South Cove for a report of a possible intoxicated individual

During the week April 3, 2016 to April 9, 2016
the following complaints were reported and investigated by the Craig Police Department:

0 abandoned vehicles; 0 adult arrest; 3 agency assists; 3 animal reports; 0 assault; 0 bear complaints; 0 burglaries,
2 business assists; 3 citizen assists, 1 citation were issued; 1 criminal mischief; 0 criminal trespass, 0 disorderly conduct;
0 disturbance; 0 domestic dispute; 1 Domestic Violence Order Served; 0 fire call; 1 found property; 0 harassments; 0 juvenile arrest; 0 juvenile complaints; 1 lost property; 1 medical call; 0 motor vehicle accidents; 0 noise complaints; 0 protective custody; 1 subpoena served; 3 summons served; 3 suspicious circumstances; 0 theft; 0 traffic complaints; 0 unsecured premise,
4 verbal warnings and 2 welfare check was given

Read More: Craig Police Report Week of March 27, 2016

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